Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: February 1, 2015 - Songs for Sportsing

The Sports Bowl is today!  Celebrate the Game of Balls and Helmets with these classic sportsing songs!  Cheer for the men in silver!  Cry for the men in white!  Pass a tackle!

Do you hear that sound?  It means sports are about to happen!

Don't you hate the opposing sports team?  Don't they suck for having personal ties to the team you don't have personal ties to?

Sports are fun whether you are playing them or watching them.  There's no time to explain the rules to girls, though.

Aww, yeah, the men in shorts and/or tight pants are running out onto the field!  Look at them all!  Shout their names!  They are heroes!

The game is about to start.  Flip that coin, shake hands, and stretch before getting pummeled with fists/wooden sticks.

Aww, yis! We just scored a point!  Let us rub it in for a solid 3 minutes!

Oh no! Your team scored a point?! Don't worry, we'll come back!  We just need to get pumped up!

Aha, we have now taken the lead!  You are a bunch of miserable fools for even believing you'll win.

It's time to break out a double attack of Queen songs.  That's how you know we mean business!

Hahahaha, we are having so much fun!  Drinking beer and eating pretzels and chips and hot dogs and wings and nachos.  This is the height of glory!

But seriously, sports may not be my thing, but even I can find the beauty in teamwork, camaraderie, and perseverance.  Thank you, Friday Night Lights.

And even more seriously, this song/video encapsulates exactly how I feel about sports.  A glorious, confusing spectacle.

Alright, enough kidding around.  ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!!!

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