Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: April 8, 2015 - LOST!

It's 4/8/15 16:23:42! That means Lost fans are celebrating by....rewatching the series?  For me, I'm experiencing my favorite memories with my favorite show by listening to the incredible music composed by Michael Giacchino.  For today's mix, I tried my best to get every main character represented with their musical motifs, but with so many great characters, it was hard to include them all.  Sorry Sayid and Ben!

I'm beginning with the final piece of the first season.  While it really serves as a closing number, it also provides that mysterious sting at the end that leaves you wanting more.  This is one of my favorite pieces as it combines most of the main themes of the show as it overlays a montage of our beloved characters getting onto that fateful flight, unaware of the adventure that awaits them.  It is one of my favorite moments of the show and that's why I felt it right to begin here.

This is the first character motif for that tragic dreamer John Locke.  While his first theme was filled with mystery and adventure, this one just hammers home the emotional beating he takes both on and off the island.  His arc is one of the best, as he fails twice as much as he succeeds.  When I rewatched the series, that image of him pounding on the hatch door, asking for answers and a sign to keep going was riveting.

Sorry that I'm sticking with all the emotional music, but that was my favorite aspect of the show.  "Life and Death" could not be a more perfect encapsulation of the show as a whole, and it is the best of the main themes.  It's brought out every time a character dies which makes the moment all the more powerful and calmly familiar.

This is my favorite piece of "goodbye" music.  In a show filled with great moments, the launching of the raft in the Season 1 finale is my favorite.  Even though I know how it all ends, relieving that moment in the show never fails to make me tear up.  So much awe and hope and fear and sorrow and joy is wrapped up in that last resort, venturing into the unknown.

When Season 2 began, the writers were at the top of their game.  So many questions had been opened up at the end of the first season and we open with...a completely new scenario that has nothing to do with anything, set to this music.  A mysterious character goes about his day and suddenly we are introduced to the best character of the series, Desmond.  This song would reappear at key moments of his life, and it always reminds me of the fun the show liked to have with our expectations.  And in retrospect, it was the perfect song to encapsulate Desmond's role in the storyline.

Here is Jin and Sun's theme, our favorite estranged lovers, brought ever closer through the magic of the island.  I like how the show played with the idea that these two were literal soulmates, two halves that made a whole.  Sure, things got a little weird with them at the end of the run, but how could you not love Jin and Sun?

Hurley was the audience's favorite lovable hero to root for.  He was just the nicest, funniest guy to have around in the cast.  While everyone else had their flaws, Hurley was just a product of bad luck.  So I wanted to pick his nice "everything's going to be okay" theme.  And we never did learn how he got the name "Hurley."

While the song itself was never played on the show, it had a special connection to the young mother Claire, and it reappeared many times as the soothing lullaby to her baby.  While I'm upset that they didn't do as much with Claire as they could have, I'm glad her storyline ended with the reappearance of this song.

Here's your Sawyer and Kate music, folks.  This is a happier version of Sawyer's theme as it came when he was being particularly nice (and as much as we like our roguish Han-Solo-esque Sawyer, we love it even more when he plays the hero).  It ends with the Kate/Sawyer "love" theme.  While I may not be a fan of that pairing, I had to make sure Kate was represented somewhere.

Ah, the classic Desmond theme.  While Locke got knocked around by life, Desmond got knocked around by the metaphysical laws of the universe.  Like the classic Odysseus before him, his was a simple love story about trying to reunite with his beloved Penelope.  But despite being stuck on a supernaturally hidden island, experiencing involuntary time travel, and even being ripped from our corporeal dimension, Desmond's love for Penny always prevailed.

After the first season, the best main characters to join the cast were Desmond, Ben, and Juliet (well, Daniel Farady was great as well, but he was more of a necessary plot device).  This is Juliet's theme and it's magnificent.  It wasn't until I rewatched the series that I really enjoyed Juliet's storyline of being the outsider in a group of outsiders.  She struggled to fit in with any group, yet was strong enough to be a leader in her own right.

Of course I couldn't leave out Charlie.  All characters went through great arcs and but Charlie had the added bonus of being a character who the writer's knew exactly when he would leave.  He was given enough time to be given a proper hero's journey filled with failure and success.  His final day on the Island is another one of my favorite episodes and this final piece of music is the cherry on top.  Combining his redemption theme with his and Claire's love theme we get the best final piece of Charlie music.  Way better than "You All Everybody."

And here it is.  The last song.  Combining all of the great themes that came before it, Giacchino created his masterpiece.  A stunning track that played over the show's final moments, this piece hits all the right notes.  It's nostalgic and magnificent, and unlike every piece that came before it, it is final.  Complete.  No more cliffhangers.  No more questions.  No more answers.  We have to all move on.

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