Friday, January 16, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: January 16, 2015 - The Best of 2013

Last week, I premiered my "Best of the Year" mixes with two looks at 2014.  Since 2014 was a lot fresher in my memory and since there was such a disconnect between what was popular and what I regularly listened to, I was able to come up with two days worth of mixes.  But for 2013 already, I'm having trouble coming up with a lot of the songs I listened to that year.  So from now on, there will only be one mix per year and any songs that didn't chart on the Hot 100 list will have to hope they end up elsewhere.  I figured I'll stick with Fridays as my "Best of the Year" days, for the most part.

So let's go back in time one year to 2013.

2013 means Miley Cyrus.  Miley Cyrus everywhere.  And, whatever your feelings are on her persona or craft, there's no denying that she held our attention for the larger part of the year.  It made it all the more difficult for me to admit that I genuinely like "Wrecking Ball."  Not in an ironic way.  I think it's a great song, especially to sing along to.  Some songs can be over-the-top emotional beasts.  Embrace them.

For all the Miley haters, it's not like the rest of 2013 was super serious.  There was still "Gangnam Style" holdover, a "Harlem Shake" epidemic, and the number one song of the year was a rap song that lampooned luxury living with a loving ode to the thrift shop.  The fact that a song like this can be #1 for an entire year is one of those reminders that humanity can really do something amazing when they work together.

Continuing with the theme of "ridiculousness," we have this silly song that actually charted for weeks as well.  Every year seems to have it's share of novelty songs, but 2013 thrived on them.

I'd also classify this as a novelty song.  If it wasn't for the little cup rhythmic movement, this song would not have taken off the way it did.  Not that it's a bad song, but it certainly helped that everyone wanted to record their own version of it to show that they could do it too.

I'm not a big country fan.  We won't be seeing too much country on this list.  And one of my qualms about the Hot 100 list is that it incorporates all genres, which means that a lot of popular country music ends up edging out my favorite alternative songs.  But then it introduces me to gems like this and I don't feel so bad.

If 2013 taught us anything, it was that you'd never predict where the next hit was going to come from.  For those who deride pop music as being too formulaic, just look at all the outliers we got in this year.

Okay, I hardly count this as a 2013 song.  I hardly even count it as a 2012 or 2011 song.  I feel as if this song has been around forever.  I was certainly listening to it since it's debut, because I am so much more familiar with this unofficial music video than the official one which just came out last year.  But, it charted in 2013, and for that I am glad.  Now I can be pleasantly surprised and hear it on the radio often.

2013 was also Pharrell's big year, in which he was featured on popular retro-sounding songs.  And while I'm ignoring his other 2013 megahit (partially, anyway), we have this opportunity to appreciate his featured work.  But I still can't not hear, "We'll rob all Mexicans" during the breakdown.

Technically, it was the remix that charted in 2013, but I prefer the original.  I mean, I'll enjoy the remix if that's all that's available to me on the radio, but sometimes you should let a sad song stay sad.  It resonated with me the first time I heard it and it has stayed with me every summer.  But now I can't feature it on my summer mix!  Oh well, it'll be more upbeat that way.

We knew twangy indie bands would ultimately take over, but this was the first song of that genre I truly appreciated.  Since love is one big waiting game, I can't help but hear this song whenever I think back on my past loves.  And in my own personal rewrite of the How I Met Your Mother finale, you can bet that this would be the song that played over the final scene.

I really enjoy this one, but lately I've been hearing the word "parody" every time she says "clarity," and now I want someone to record a parody version about song parodies called, "Parody."

Update: Looks like my prayers have been answered! Um...anyone else want to try?

Weird how Taylor Swift is 25 now and just last year she was 22.  Anyway, I remember when this came out in 2012 and it reminded me that Taylor's still got it.  Even though the brilliance of 1989 just two years ahead of her, she still showed that she could produce a quality hit.  And by quality hit, I meant one whose lyrics I constantly quote every day for some reason.  I'm always feeling like a 22-year-old hipster, I guess.

Of course, I have to end with the best song ever.

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