Saturday, January 24, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: January 24, 2015 - Diamond Day

It's time for some Neil Diamond.  This one's for all our parents.

Diamond got his career started as a songwriter, penning hits for other bands.  Finally, in 1966, he got his chance to perform on his own album and along with it came his first big hit.  This song's structure would later be imitated by other rock groups, proving that Diamond had many musical talents besides lyric writing.

Did you know that Neil Diamond wrote for the Monkees?  And he penned the Shrek classic "I'm a Believer"?  Well, it was news to me!

Diamond's first album contained a lot of covers, but along with "Cherry, Cherry" and "Solitary Man," Diamond's own work certainly shined through.  In fact, I like this one better than "Solitary Man."

Diamond likes singing happy love songs, but everyone needs a little emo time.  Of course, Diamond's sadness sounds a lot like his happiness.

Here it is.  The big one.  The only Neil Diamond song you'll ever need.

Cherry, Caroline, Rosie...pick a girl, man.  Wait, this one's about wine?  Man, I'm not good at metaphors.  Shoulda included this one on my wine mix, then.  It's pretty fun.

Whoo! Chills!

I like when Neil starts his song slow and then makes it really loud and exciting, if you know what I mean.

Yeah...wearing blue jeans is the best!  Wear them! Forever!

While Diamond continues to make music to this day, this was kind of the end of his Seventies Hey-Day.  But hey, who doesn't love a big ol' song about America?

After leaving it off my wine mix, I decided to bring this one back to the table.  Diamond apparently loves this cover of his song.  It's easy to see why.  That reggae beat really wakes up the song.

So, Neil Diamond released a new album a few months ago.  He is still trucking along.  It's definitely got his signature style.  I preferred the simple "Art of Love" the best.

Truth be told, I'm not the hugest Neil Diamond fan.  But thanks to its inclusion, I really enjoy "Girl."  It just has a strange melody for a chorus that makes it instantly memorable.  Although it was a cover version in the film, the two sound so similar that I opted to include the original.  If it's Mia Wallace's favorite song, then it must be good!

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