Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: February 19, 2015 - Smash Mouth Forever

It's been too long since we've had our bimonthly Smash Mouth fix.

No tribute to Smash Mouth would be complete without Cicierega's fantastic deconstruction of "All Star" over and over again.  But I'll limit myself to only two remixes for today.

From 1999 to 2001, this song was inescapable.  Then we never talked about it again.

But before "All Star," this was the signature Smash Mouth jam.  It was more subtle and nuanced.

Smash Mouth entered the world amidst all the ska-punk greats, and they carved out their own signature sound.  While they'd eventually fall into "radio friendly pop," they clearly could do so much more.

1999 was when Smash Mouth truly hit it big, with a glorious effort in Astro Lounge.  Not only was "All Star" on this album, but we got this other earworm to listen to during our Y2K madness.

It was hard to limit my choices from this album, but once I heard "Stoned," I had to include it.  It's better than "All Star" and that's the best song ever!

And of course, "Come On Come On" was soon to follow.  Man, why has Smash Mouth been relegated to joke status?  These are great!

Thanks to life's happy coincidences, Smash Mouth became forever linked with Shrek.  Say what you will about either one, but at one time, we loved them all unironically, and that was a truly special era.

Why'd we all have to stop listening to Smash Mouth?  What did they ever do to us?  We missed this one...

...this one...

...and this one!  (Admittedly, a music video tie-in with The Cat in the Hat in 2003 didn't help matters.)

I understand that some bands have to take long breaks, but had Smash Mouth had a little more luck in success, we'd all be more familiar with their current output.  Wouldn't you rather hear this on the radio

No tribute to Smash Mouth would be complete without Cicierega's fantastic deconstruction of "All Star" over and over again.  But I'll limit myself to only two remixes for today.

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