Monday, May 4, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: May 4, 2015 - Star Wars! Nothing But Star Wars!

Welcome to 1977! Star Wars is popular! Disco is popular! It's a match made in heaven!  (In actuality, I'm saving the actual Star Wars theme for my John Williams day.)

First, we'll start with a calming look at the journey head, as Luke prepares to leave his home behind.

And now, a trip to Dagobah to see our favorite wrinkly, green Muppet Jedi, Yoda.

I'm sticking with the calm themes for now, because things are about to get intense.

The best feature of the prequel trilogy was undoubtedly John Williams's flawless score.  "Duel of the Fates" just sets up the epic story so well.

For Attack of the Clones, love was the main theme that Williams worked with.  Try to ignore the actual reasons that brought this music into existence and just enjoy it.

And the main theme for Revenge of the Sith was fighting! So here's your final (but really the original) Anakin/Obi-Wan battle music.

Let's take a break from John Williams and hear from some other musicians.  First up, since I already played "Yoda" for you, here's Weird Al's other Star Wars song which is unfortunately about The Phantom Menace.

A Blink-182 love song to Princess Leia.  First, imagine it in your head and then press play.  The same exact song just played!  Wasn't that a neat trick?!

I was surprised at how many people have actually written songs just about Star Wars.  This one takes the common indie route of linking Star Wars with childhood nostalgia and growing up.

Yub nub!

The classic Darth Vader theme.  You know the one.

Of course, we're going to end things right with the closing music to the original Star Wars!  What else?!

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