Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: March 15, 2015 - The Ides of March (but actually the Beach Boys)

Originally, I was going to do an Ides of March mix.  But there is only one great Ides of March song.  So the rest of this mix is just Beach Boys, because it's Mike Love's birthday.

Too bad the Ides of March didn't hit it as big as they should have.  This is some great funk music right here.

And now for something completely different.  Classic surf music.  I find it funny that surf music is a genre thanks to bands like the Beach Boys.

Despite mostly stealing it from Chuck Berry, I consider this to be the definitive Beach Boys song, surfin' all over the place.

The Beach Boys released so many albums in 1963 and 1964 that there were bound to be some repeats.  I just couldn't imagine albums being produced like that nowadays.  Anyway, this one was one the Surfer Girl album and then made it as the headliner for the very next album.  Weird.

This is my favorite song to play on my joyrides.

Thanks to The Muppet Show, I can only picture Miss Piggy leading a biker gang of pigs singing this song.  Hogs on hogs.  Heh.

Finally, a love song that isn't about surfing or cars.

"Help Me Kimmy?"

The Beach Boys had their share of covers, but this was the one that they really claimed as their own.  It is a Beach Boys song now, no doubt about it.

We've already featured "Wouldn't It Be Nice" on a previous mix, but that song paired with this one made Pet Sounds the best Beach Boys album of all time.  Two of the greatest love songs ever on the same album!  But I give the slight edge to this one.  It's one of my top 20 songs of all time.

And I'm really fond of this one.  It's a bit different from the usual fare and you can use it as the soundtrack to any difficult life moment.

And here's "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys.

I already had "California Girls," on a previous mix, so we must fill this space with "Kokomo."  If you hate this song, I'm sorry.  But you're also wrong.  It's the best post-1965 Beach Boys song, according to America.

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