Saturday, May 2, 2015

Mix Tape of the Day: May 2, 2015 - Sting and the Police

It's the weekend.  I just wanted to relax and listen to some Police.  I'm fond of many of their tracks, but I'll admit, it took me a while to warm up to their first hit.  But just wait until the mix where I feature the Moulin Rouge! version.  I love that interpretation!

I hadn't heard this one before and it's a shame.  It's a lot of fun!  And those 4 chords appear!

For some reason, I enjoy Police songs sparingly.  I feel like their songs are always playing on the radio which makes me enjoy them less and less.  They're good, but not repeatedly in a short amount of time.  It's like a rich dessert.

This is just your basic reggae-inspired Police song, in case you only have 5 minutes to teach someone about The Police.

First heard this one on Friends when everyone in NYC assumed Joey had VD.  Kind of changes the context a bit.

The only non-creepy love song by the Police. Perfect for your rom-com soundtrack!

Everyone's favorite Police song that isn't about what everyone thinks it's about (except, now they do because that's what it's famous for).

If it weren't for the next song on this list, I would have past this one by.  But now I understand that Synchronicity is one of those must have albums.

Yeah, you can't escape Weird Al.  He already did "King of Suede" but he wasn't done with the Police just yet.  Here is his ode to kitsch.  For a kid born right this short-lived fad was popular, I had no idea what this song was actually about until I did my research.

Sting departed the Police in the '80s to form his own lucrative solo career.  While I feel he didn't have as many classics, there's no denying his talent.

Here's that Sting song that you know.

Since I can't post "Desert Rose" again, "Brand New Day," will have to suffice today.  Hmm, I hope Sting isn't getting too full of himself.

I've already featured my favorite Police song on a previous mix, but I had to include it here too.  Fortunately, one of my favorite artists covered it beautifully.

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